Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Florida Presidential Election Results

In the closing days of the 2016 election cycle, Florida had become way too close to call in favor of either candidate.  This meant that it was a crucial state for either candidate to win in order to secure the Presidency.  In the end, the state ended up going to President-Elect Donald J Trump. Here is a breakdown of where the counties voted democrat versus republican (

Here we can see that the majority of the counties did in fact go red, but the blue counties did have quite a pull on the overall impact of the results.

This map shows us where the heavy voter turn out was, and we can see that some, not all, of the counties that went blue had relatively high voter turnout. 

In the end, the state's 29 electoral votes went to Trump, who so far has received a total of 4,591,278, or 49%. Clinton received 4,462,415, gaining 48% of the vote.  It was a very tight race in Florida, and it was not called super early due to the close numbers we can see above.

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